Thursday, July 14, 2011

Microphone Polar Patterns

There are two microphones we use for our video productions...

-Omnidirectional dynamic mic
-XLR Connector
                         -Polar Pattern:

-Requires Boom operator / handheld
-Shotgun condenser mic
-XLR Connector
                          -Polar Pattern:

Watch the following two videos. In the comment section below, describe and discuss two production scenarios where microphone polar patterns (microphone directionality) is crucial to good sound. Give detailed information about the production setting, talent or subject you are recording, necessary audio crew, the weather, ambient sound, and other considerations necessary for your microphone choice. In the second part of your response, explain the difference between dynamic and condenser mics from your reading.


  1. Hope you enjoy this lesson. If you have questions email me.

  2. I like that you incorporate the students reading and a video into the lesson. I assume the photos are examples of the types of microphones?

  3. Interesting topic. I like the visuals and simple design that is easy to navigate. I couldn't find any reading, but am assuming it is separate from the blog post. Is this for a particular group of students?

  4. I think you did a really great job at the overall layout of your blog. It is very attractive and motivating to want to complete the assignment. I think your students would really enjoy it.

  5. I really like that you incorporated video and graphics. I liked the overall layout. Great job!

  6. Mr. Boaz. Your assignment was very interesting and the presentation was certainly engaging. I believe it would capture the students attention. Very nice work!

  7. Wow, your Blog is impressive! I love the inclusion of videos! I think students will find it very sleek and as a result motivating!
    Kelly Dessel

  8. Because of your post I totally understand the types of microphones and would be able to write about the topic with only the information you provided. I also like how you incorporated a question about the reading.

  9. I'm having flashbacks to my audio engineering days in '02! Well presented and informative. The videos and graphics worked very well.

  10. Love the use of the images. Very helpful, especially in this media-centric generation. Great work!

  11. Good use of different types of media. I liked that your blog was simple and to the point.
